Revelation – Verse by Verse

Warrenton Campus

On Wednesday evenings Pastor Terry is teaching from the Book of Revelation, verse by verse. This will be a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of this subject.

SALT Celebrating Easter

Warrenton Campus

Celebrating Easter with Communion, fellowship and dessert! Bring your favorite dessert to share. Drinks will be provided. We will meet in the Warrenton Youth Room. For more info contact Mike and Shawn at 636-456-4352.

Easter Egg Stuffing Party

Warrenton Campus

Join us on Saturday, 4/9, from 9am-12pm to stuff eggs for the Easter egg hunt. Donuts and fun will be provided.

Revelation – Verse by Verse

Warrenton Campus

On Wednesday evenings Pastor Terry is teaching from the Book of Revelation, verse by verse. This will be a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of this subject.

Easter on Friday

Warrenton Campus

At 5pm there will be BBQ from Vets Rolling Smoke to start off the night at our Warrenton campus. The service will begin at 7pm and will be the same as the Sunday services. At 8:30pm there will be a glow-in-the dark Easter egg hunt for the kiddos.

Easter Sunday

FCFC All Campuses

Our service in Wentzville will start at 9am, with an Easter egg hunt for the kiddos to follow. Our service in Warrenton will begin at 10:30am.

Revelation – Verse by Verse

Warrenton Campus

On Wednesday evenings Pastor Terry is teaching from the Book of Revelation, verse by verse. This will be a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of this subject.

Water Baptism

FCFC All Campuses

We will be hosting baptisms at both of our campuses. Being water baptized is an outward profession of the inner change when you became a Christian. If you are interested in being baptized that morning, make sure you arrive an hour before service for the baptismal class.

Daniel- Verse by Verse

Warrenton Campus

On Wednesday evenings Pastor Terry is teaching from the book of Daniel, verse by verse. This will be a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of this subject.

Daniel- Verse by Verse

Warrenton Campus

On Wednesday evenings Pastor Terry is teaching from the book of Daniel, verse by verse. This will be a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of this subject.

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